The Robert A. Rashad “101 Society”
Robert A. Rashad |
Hello Portfolio Friends,
I would like to introduce my college friend, Robert A. Rashad to you and share with you “Contribution 101” which he shared with me. As in college “101 classes” are beginning classes and for many, so is contributing to small, not for profit 501C3 organizations. Small not for profits like Portfolio Gallery and Educational Center, are in need of financial support throughout the year, not just at the end of the year.
Contributions made throughout the year are utilized to pay facility insurance, utilities, stamps, art supplies, fund receptions, art classes, invitations and so many other general operating needs. They also can be counted on rather than relying on year-end contributions that may or may not be forthcoming.
The Robert A. Rashad “101 Society” allows you to determine how much you will pledge to Portfolio Gallery and Educational Center and its efforts monthly. Robert has contributed $101 per month for two years and has contributed $2,424 to our general operating fund. You too can contribute, any amount is acceptable, and the Robert A. Rashad “101 Society’s” only stipulation is that you contribute this amount monthly.* Contribute what you can!
Contributions can be made by using the Donation button below. Once on the donation form enter your contribution amount and click the "Make This Recurring (Monthly)" checkbox next to the "Donation amount" to become a "101 Society" contributor. You may also contribute by check to Portfolio Inc. 2029 East Fair,
St. Louis, MO 63107. Receipts will be provided to you monthly for your contribution record. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law.
*All continuous contributors to the Robert A. Rashad “101 Society” will be invited to an
Annual Reception at the close of each year to honor them.
Help Us Help Your Community With A Contribution!
To fulfill our mission we rely on grants, contracted services
and contributions. Your contribution can create the difference
for the good work we do within the St. Louis community, and supports
Portfolio's efforts to present African-American artists to local
and regional audiences. Make a one-time or recurring contribution to help us fulfill our mission. Thank You.
As a 501c(3) non-profit organization, your
contribution to Porfolio, Inc. is tax-deductible as allowed by
law. Please consult your tax advisor for specific details.